**1.0 : Decorator **
# function decorator that calls the function twice
def repeat_decorator(fn):
def decorated_fn():
# returns a function
return decorated_fn
# using the decorator on hello_world function
def hello_world():
print ("Hello world!")
# call the function
**2.0 : Decorator với parameter **
def repeat_decorator(num_repeats = 2):
# repeat_decorator should return a function that's a decorator
def inner_decorator(fn):
def decorated_fn():
for i in range(num_repeats):
# return the new function
return decorated_fn
# return the decorator that actually takes the function in as the input
return inner_decorator
# use the decorator with num_repeats argument set as 5 to repeat the function call 5 times
def hello_world():
print("Hello world!")
# call the function